Hope For The Day

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A Love Letter to Myself

February is known as the month of love. From store displays to television shows and even social media posts, we are encouraged to show our love for other people. While it is important to show up for and love the people in our lives, what are you doing to make sure you show love for yourself? 

And more specifically, what are you doing to show love for yourself during your hard moments? 

The next time you’re feeling down, here’s a letter we hope that you can read or maybe even use as a guide to write your own: 

Dear Self, 

Before we go any further, let me start by saying that I am so proud of you. Like really, really proud of you. You have been through so many things and you have shown so much strength — even in those instances when you shouldn’t have to do so. 

I know it’s not easy. I know you want to give up. I know you feel misunderstood. I know you feel alone sometimes. Still, you keep showing up and that’s worth celebrating. Being a human is hard work, ya know? 

You’re truly a beautiful person and I’m not just talking looks. You love hard, you support your friends, you serve your community, you show empathy, you’re passionate about making a difference in this world, and the list goes on. 

You are simply amazing. 

And do you want to know the most important thing I want you to remember?

In your hardest moments and on your toughest days — you are still worthy of love. Your worth is not wrapped up in what you do or who you can help, but simply who you are. 

Never forget that. 

Love Always,
